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Wig fun: why judges wear white wigs

We sometimes see some legal system, judges wear white wigs, solemn, why is white wigs, this is due to the 18th century horsetail clothing, a wig and gown has always been a symbol of British justice system. Now only the court system in Britain and a few countries to keep this habit. 


Historical records, the lawyer black dates back to 1685, the earliest was mourning Charles ii died wear mourning; The use of wigs began in the early 18th century, when wearing a wig is the European society of modern costume, only dignitaries, maharajahs and judges lawyers and upper-class people to wear wigs, shape of ethos. 


Now the court used the style of the wig is designed in 1822. There are two main types of the present court wig style, one is long and shoulder long wigs, is in the grand activity and ceremonial occasions wear; One is, the shorter ones only cover the top of the head is on the court at ordinary times wear. Under this kind of adornment the hearing, give a person very solemn feeling of formalization. It is said that the judge wear black robes, wearing a wig, can mask to its true colors, remove selfishness, become the embodiment of the rule of law, fairness, and case.


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